Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oh, What a Wednesday!

Took Maggie to breakfast with Jimmy. We had gotten together to take her to therapy. Her therapist ended up being out of state due to a family death. We took her to Gus, Jr for a fatty big breakfast. We are trying to co-parent well,

One thing our kids are fond of doing is going about town in their pajamas. As you can see in the picture above, even to a therapy appointment and breakfast. My Maggie is such a sweet girl. She loves her daddy and misses him. He calls her every night after he is done with his day.

I went to the Social Security office to get some things started for Joaquin and Hezzie. This my friends is an ad I saw. It really cracks me up. Got to say TOS never gets old.

Live Long and Prosper,
Momma and her Tribe

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