Monday, August 27, 2012

Update on Broken Promises.

In December I wrote this post about the 10 promises my alcoholic broke. I thought I should give a quick update on how much has changed.

He has taken us to the beach, we have a new museum membership, he is still sober and we have taken a few field trips. The kitchen is nearly done painted.

Life is by no means perfect, even fairy tales have their dark side, life is increasingly different. We have even gone to family functions he would normally weasel his way out of. A lot of him working on him, great thing. I know he has bipolar disorder and social anxiety, so even a small me is HUGE, to the kids it's MONUMENTAL!

In the picture above, he's not irritated, he has anxiety about the kids at the beach. Our oldest was way out, body surfing. Our youngest was getting his water legs. But, he never once said "We need to leave." He stuck it out, we all lived and had a great day with my brother and his family.

No matter how bad your alcoholic is, when he/she is ready to change....the change will be dynamic and even scary. Hang in there....


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