Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Full Week

This week as been full. Except one day when the blues tried to take over, it was pretty awesome. Monday the littles and I hit a United Way community program. They made cards for kids at Loma Linda Childrens Hospital. That was pretty special to us. That is where Hezzie had his surgery. The kids really wanted to play at the museum, we caught a little time between the pancake breakfast and the actual card making to do so.

Waylon made it back to Cub Scouts this week. He slid right back in, no problem. I resumed my role as Pack Photographer/Social Media Person. He will be getting some type of awards next week. He is very excited and I will be there with my Nikon to take pictures of all the boys. It's going to be special since he has missed previous awards ceremonies thanks to an eventful pregnancy. His pack had a pancake breakfast today. I took pictures and Jimmy manned the kitchen for awhile. It's weirs seeing him become involved. He is a trained cook so, maybe I should not be that surprised.

Once we came home, we had a bit of a break and then off to pick up Girl Scout Cookies for Maggie. She is a Brownie and has a new troop. The girl love Girl Scouts so much, she will go where there are open arms. I am very proud of her for that. Actually, honored that she is my daughter. Life has thrown her a few loops and she carries on. Like all humans, she has her moments.

Today is the second day of rain. I love the smell and feeling of rain. Meanwhile, my joints say, "Listen lady! Don't go crazy and walk all over. You WILL pay." Rain is bittersweet for me. I love to walk in it, reminds me of my younger days in North Carolina. Back when I was 18 and had the whole world in my hand. Exploring parts of unknown area while on liberty. Meeting new and interesting people. This is when I met my now husband and broke out of my shell. This is why I love the rain, it's a reminder of who I was, who I am and who I will become.

I hope you found some joy this week and remember who you are, underneath it all.


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