One thing that they kids love is these toys are workable. They can play with them and they will take very good care of them. They work hard and they love what they see at the end of it all.
After Home Depot we headed into Redlands. Well, into the rural area of Redlands. We went to a one room school house. The name is San Timoteo Canyon Schoolhouse. This is the schoolhouse where my great grandmother Susan Chavez was enrolled. To me it was just amazing, the kids and I got to sit in a few of the original desks.
The lady acting as the teacher was so very nice. She and another lady had quite a bit of information. We saw pictures from the 1920's and was given info on how I may be able to see earlier pictures.
The kids really enjoyed sitting in the desks, writing on the mini chalkboards and looking at the McGuffey Readers
We then ventured to the A.K. Smiley Library in Redlands. They have the most beautiful stained glass windows in the Childrens Library. They are so colorful...I can not even put into words, the kids just loved looking at them.
We walked out the back door and across some grass to the Lincoln Memorial Shrine. That was just as wonderful. The younger kids learned more about slavery, the Civil War and all that it entailed.
There was some photography going on for a quincenera. I told the kids that when Maggie and Tanni turn 15, they will have one. Maggie says she wants hers to be dark blue, silver and maybe white or black. She isn't sure. It made me long to have had my very own. Sadly, my own grandfather passed away before he could give me the one he had promised. I would have rather have had him in my life, that a quince with beautiful emerald green dresses.
Okay, I went off topic. But, we had a fun day. A long day. Much to my surprise, I didn't get tired from driving around. WOOP!
We learned a lot today. We learn everyday.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
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