I have been a bad blogger I know, probably a bad wife and mother as well. This week my energy level dipped to an all time low. There were a few days marked with contractions and some discomfort...go being pregnant at 36! One day this week I had to venture to Walmart and I ran into two people from Jimmy's rehab. I knew what was coming, he has been working a lot and not attending meetings. Therefore people assume he is out there getting drunk, NOPE!
I am standing there, all hot and sweaty holding some Poise Pads. They come up and just stand there. Part of me wanted to throw the bag of pads and pretend I didn't see them, part of me wanted to ask for a recommendation. "Poise or Depends?" They small talk me and asked how Jimmy was doing. I said he was over by the pool supply and he was doing good. They smiled and I threw the bag of pads into my basket along side some shampoo and Toms toothpaste. They looked confused. Come on people! I have five kids, a undependable bladder was bound to happen. Oh, wait! These were two childless adults. Send me your poise pad coupons! I'd love them.
I have been practicing my photo skills a lot. Like every day, a lot! There have been several great photos that have been bombed by nose picking. Oh, wait! My tag line is "Capturing real life." So in real life my three year old is a nose picker and he is not ashamed. Yes folks he is all boy. Speaking of photo taking, I am looking into getting more educated on it. I am not charging since I am in no way a professional. Some people have offered and I will just say 'Hey if you want to give me gas money or buy me an AmPm Lemonade with crunchy ice, I will not say no." Other than that, I will not pretend to be well learned on taking photos. Although, some of them I am very in love with.
This is life and I can not say I'd want to change it, okay maybe not dealing with buying poise pads. Love your life people.

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