Saturday, February 4, 2012

Busy Bee Saturday

After a short stop at the Goodwill store we went up to the Western Science Center for Science Saturday. The kids had so much fun, they always do. Today's theme was physical properties. They made some goo and did some other fun things.

It was pretty nice weather out. It was warm enough for a light sweater a or if you are acclimated short sleeves and Dexter above. Oh, looks like Maggie also likes short sleeves. We went to the Ramona Bowl to see if the kids could get casted as rock Indians. The whole ordeal was a wild goose chase and there was about 100 kids there, and we had to leave to get out of town to see my dad. I guess we will try again next year.

We went to John's Incredibly Exspensive Pizza, thanks to gift cards. My dad met us there. We ate and hung out for a few hours. I am actually not sure how long. The kids had sooo muuch fun. Dexter bought all the kids "tokens" with his allowance. That just warmed my heart.

That's All, Folks!

Momma and her tribe

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