So, no so much a loud roar as much as the roar of sore throats of tiny voices and sniffling noses. The warm days and cold nights get us. We make do and I am considering making a big pot of soup today so we can relax and be warm tonight. The kids said the hot tea and honey sticks made them feel better.
Despite them being sick they were pretty animated once they were awake for awhile. Maggie and Waylon are two peas in a pod, except when they are not. They tend to be a lot a like when it comes to whose opinions matters the most. Then there are moments when they just get a long so well, I wonder if they had amnesia.
Dexter and Maggie can pull each other to bits in a moment and the next they are singing a tune. When Maggie was a baby Dexter doted on her quite a bit and even up until a year ago or so when he had a "girlfriend". Now, she irritates him and I had warmed him at some point his desire to make her a princess would backfire...I guess momma is right some times. Yesterday, was a good day for them. They were singing and while he played his guitar she even danced.
These are the besties. Don't mess with either one of them or you'll get attacked with flying objects. They both love Sonic and loves to throw oranges when people use bad language.
I took Dexter to dinner with Poppa and then I took Poppa to get new shoes. One thing he had neglected when he was drinking so much was keeping up a neat appearance. He would walked around in shoes that had no sides or backs. Finally, I made a point to just say, "The money is there and you need them." He caved and off to Payless we went.
I bought two more citrus trees and they will be planted soon. I can not wait to have fruit seasonally for the kids. Not, that they don't get any now. Taking life as it so good for me.
Momma and her tribe
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