Monday, June 27, 2016

Daybook June 27, 2016

Outside my window…

 I can already feel the heat. I was outside cleaning up and felt the heat. We need to find a permanent place for this lovely metal arch bench the neighbor gave us. Praying thr drought will be over soon, my grass is looking sad.

I am thinking…

 Of how much mass I have missed since the kids were in summer school. Tomorrow I will be back at it.


I am thankful…

For having a home to call my own.even when things go wrong in the house and it frustrates me.

I am wearing…

Pajamas and the most comfortable Teva sandals ever!

I am creating…

I clean space to live and love in. Things have been cray here and am I trying to get things back to good.

I am going…

on little walks everyday. Some of us are part of the 100 Mile Club and are doing there 262 Summer Challenge.

I am wondering…

where all the tape went. it vanishes faster than grapes.

I am reading…

I am hoping…

to start blogging more and getting to mass more

I am learning…

put down my foot and not let things simply be

In my kitchen…

grapes and eggs...breakfast

In the homeschool room…

We learn everywhere. Although this coming year we have three kids attending traditional school, I will still have half at home.

A favorite quote for today…

"I place trust in God, my creator, in all things; I love Him with all my heart." St. Joan of Arc

A peek into one of my days…

One of my favorite things…

Post Script…

I'm glad to be back at blogging more....


* * *


Linked with the Simple Woman’s Blog.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Waylon Turns 10

I'm not sure where the time went. You know, when you grew up and became so funny. When you got so smart and your vocabulary became so big, I think it was between Carson Street and Main Steer that your intellect blossomed. I think you might agree. 
I miss seeing you in your NASA coveralls. Perhaps I should order you the set you never had. I see big things in your future.i hope I can help you see just how special and talented you are. I love that you read so much and that you like to talk about interesting things. You're above your years, Waylon. That's not a bad thing, never dumb yourself down to make others feel better. I love you and your dinosaur obsession. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Maggie Rae You're 12

My goodness! When did you get so old? Okay, I know you're still young. But, 12 seems too old for this momma. You've come a long way this past year, even with some serious setbacks. You're conquering fears, fighting your depression and anxiety. You're learning more about yourself, even finding out that you fit the ticket for aspergers/autism. You're challenging yourself everyday, and on the days you can't you're still overcoming so much.
We butt heads more this past year than even before. That's just how life has been, but we always come back and mend. Like me, you've learned to admit and ask for forgiveness for faults and wrong doings.
You're learning and putting to work your prayers. This momma couldn't be happier to be part of your life. 
I love you and prayerfully hope 12 is better than 11.