Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Signing Time

We've been going to signing time classes. The little kids totally love it and in sad it's already half over. I've learned a few things like: unschooled kids can handle a classroom environment. Unschooled kids may not know every fairy take, but use funny grammar. Sweet grandmas with their homeschooled kids are your friend. Sweet homeschool grammars don't think it's odd that your four year old is taking off his socks and stashing them in your purse.
I've also learned that some parents think toddlers using scissors is dangerous. I think it's practical.

Life is pretty amazing. When your kids can sign things and dance around, you know there's happiness. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window...the sun pushing through clouds.

I am thinking...of my trip to Loma Linda.

I am thankful...for my kids.

In the kitchen...dishes are clean.

I am wearing...a blue shirt and black skirt.

I am creating...memories.

I am make today beautiful.

I am wondering...why I don't have a driver.

I am reading...nothing right now.

I am get all the laundry done.

I am looking forward daughter and grandson visiting.

I am enjoy moments.

Around the roam and eat.

I am pondering...what life will bring.

A favorite quote for today..."You don't choose your family.They are Gods gift to you, as you are to them."

One of my favorite things...peppermint tea

A few plans for the rest of the week: doctors appointments and the like.

A peek into my day...


Monday, September 2, 2013


I have been sick in one way or another for nearly a month. I was stung by a bee on August 5th and had an deadly reaction to it, or whatever it had been eating. I then had a reaction to the steroids in the hospital and the ones they sent me home with. I ended up having to wean off of them and take blood pressure meds while I did so. Then I ended up with double ear infections from the steroids and had a bad reaction to the ear drops and now am dealing with anxiety. My PCP have me Zoloft and I had to stop that. I had a serious reaction to that and he wanted me to " let it get into" my system and gave me another med to help me through. I stopped the Zoloft and had a terrible time to following few days and had to take the other medication once. No reaction.
I am currently trying to get through this anxiety thing as naturally and as safe as possible.  I have had friends who have been great and very helpful. Also, my mom and husband. They are my rocks and my mom basically babysat me most of this time. She cared for my kids and prayed with me. My poor husband can't get any time off of work to come and stay with me. He knows how scary this can all be. My routine of teas and supplements have been great.
As I am able to, I get the kids out and we do things. Home Depot, Lowes and all that sort of thing. They have been great and understanding. Poor Maggie knows what it is to have anxiety, and she has not had an attack in probably a year. I am so grateful. Jimmy has a three day weekend and is here making sure I am okay and that things are getting done. I am working on laundry and my desk. He took Dexter to Mass yesterday and us smoking a brisket today. I know he had wanted to work today, but it is nice to have this Union guy home on a Union holiday.
Hezekiah and Joaquin went to see Dr. Aaen and it went well. Hezekiah was taken off his seizure meds and Joaquin is on the same dose. He ordered different therapies for them, so thankful for that. I am having a terrible time with heat, so Jimmy switched his days off so he could drive us.
Hezekiah got fitted with glasses after his eye appointment. He picked out some cool frames and he should have them soon.
Maggie has improved her reading so much, she reads description on the Roku for Mythbusters like a champ. That is the kids new favorite show, and soon they want to start watching How it's made. I just love how much they have been learning lately, and how much they still want to learn. Life is good.
